Success built to last : creating a life that matters / Jerry Porras, Stewart Emery, Mark Thompson.
Material type:
- 013228751X (hardback : alk. paper)
- 9780132287517
- 650.1 22
- HF5386 .P757 2007
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 255-262) and index.
Introduction : from Built to last to Success built to last -- From great to lasting : redefining success -- Love it or lose : passions and the quest for meaning -- Portfolio of passions : it's not about balance -- Why successful people stay successful : integrity to meaning -- The silent scream : why it's so damn hard to do what matters -- The cause has charisma : you don't have to be charismatic to be successful -- The tripping point : always make new mistakes -- Wounds to wisdom : trusting your weaknesses and using your core incompetencies -- Earning your luck : preparing for serendipity by using big hairy audacious goals -- Naked conversations : harvesting contention -- Creating alignment : the environment always wins -- The pleasure of finding things out : a look at the research behind Success built to last.
Presents a series of interviews with successful people who demonstrate the author's three elements of success: involvement with something they are passionate about, the cultivation of a sense of responsibility and accountabiliy, and taking effective action.
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