The freshman year experience :

Upcraft, M. Lee.

The freshman year experience : helping students survive and succeed in college / M. Lee Upcraft, John N. Gardner, and associates. - 1st ed. - San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1989. - xxix, 443 p. ; 24 cm. - The Jossey-Bass higher education series . - Jossey-Bass higher education series. .

Includes indexes.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 389-428).

A comprehensive approach to enhancing freshman success -- Who are today's freshmena? -- A historical look at the freshman year experience -- Understanding student development: insights from theory -- Impact of college environments on freshman students -- Connecting students to institutions: keys to retention and success -- Orientation programs -- Academic advising -- Academic support programs -- Mentoring programs -- Counseling -- Residence halls and campus activities -- Health and wellness programs -- Character development. Part one: today's freshmen and the college experience. Part two: essential programs and services for first-year students. Origins and purposes of the freshman seminar -- Elements of an effective seminar: the university 101 program -- How seminars enhance student success -- Starting a freshman seminar program -- A President's perspective on the value on freshman seminars -- Hispanic students -- Black students -- Women students -- Adult learners -- Commter students -- Student athletes -- Disabled students -- Honors students -- Providing administrative, faculty, and staff leadership -- Academic and student affairs in partnership for freshman success. Part three: the freshman seminar. Part four: helping diverse freshman populations -- Part five: building campus support for a strong freshman year program.

1555421474 9781555421472

LB2343.F74 1989


Counseling in higher education--United States.
College freshmen--Counseling of--United States.
College student orientation--United States.
Services personnels aux �etudiants--�Etats-Unis.
�Etudiants de premi�ere ann�ee--Counseling--�Etats-Unis.
Int�egration des nouveaux �etudiants--�Etats-Unis.
College freshmen--Counseling of.
Counseling in higher education.
College student orientation--United States.

United States.

United States Higher education institutions Students Counselling

LB2343 / .F74 1989
