Who moved my cheese? : an amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life / Spencer Johnson.
Material type:
- 0399144463
- 9780399144462
- 0091883768 (Vermilion)
- 9780091883768
- 155.2/4 21
- BF637.C4 J64 1998
- Also issued online.
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BF637.C4G37 2006 Changing minds : | BF637.C4H43 2010 C.1 Switch how to change things when change is hard | BF637.C4H43 2010 C.2 Switch how to change things when change is hard | BF637.C4 J64 1998 C.1 Who moved my cheese? : | BF637.C4 J64 1998 C.2 Who moved my cheese? : | BF637.C4 K44 2001 How the way we talk can change the way we work : | BF637.C45 Crucial conversations : |
Parts of all of us -- The story behind the story / by Kenneth Blanchard -- A gathering: Chicago -- The story of Who Moved My Cheese?. Four characters ; Finding cheese ; No Cheese! ; The mice: Sniff & Scurry ; The littlepeople: Hem & Haw ; Meanwhile, back in the maze ; Getting beyond fear ; Enjoying the adventure ; Moving with the cheese ; The handwriting on the wall ; Tasting new cheese ; Enjoying change! -- A discussion: later that same day.
A parable that teaches lessons about change and how to deal with it.
Also issued online.
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