Lies My Teacher Told Me : Everything your American History Textbook gFGot Wrong / James W. Loewen.
Material type:
- 9780743296281
- 0743296281
- Indians of North America in textbooks
- Thanksgiving Day in textbooks
- Historiography
- Textbooks
- Geschiedschrijving
- Beeldvorming
- Geschiedvervalsing
- United States -- History -- Textbooks
- United States -- Historiography
- United States -- History -- Textbooks
- United States -- Historiography
- United States
- United States -- History -- Textbooks
- United States -- Historiography
- United States -- History -- Textbooks
- United States -- Historiography
- High School Myths Nonpartisan Misinformation Blind Patriotism Education History
- 973 22
- E175.85 .L64 2007
- G571.2
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"A Touchstone book."
"Completely revised and updated"--Cover.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: Something has gone very wrong -- Handicapped by history : the process of hero-making -- 1493 : the true importance of Christopher Columbus -- The truth about the first Thanksgiving -- Red eyes -- "Gone with the wind" : the invisibility of racism in American history textbooks -- John Brown and Abraham Lincoln : the invisibility of antiracism in American history textbooks -- The land of opportunity -- Watching Big Brother : what textbooks teach about the federal government -- See no evil : choosing not to look at the War in Vietnam -- Down the memory hole : the disappearance of the recent past -- Progress is our most important product -- Why is history taught like this? -- What is the result of teaching history like this? -- Afterword: The future lies ahead--and what to do about them.
Criticizes the way history is presented in current textbooks, and suggests a fresh and more accurate approach to teaching American history.
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