The Onward Workbook : Daily Activities to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience and Thrive.
Material type:
- 9781119367277
- 1119367271
- 155.24 23
- BF698.35.R47 .A383 2018eb
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Using Empathy to Expand Stories.
The Onward Workbook: Daily Activities to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience and Thrive; Contents; Preface; Introduction; Put On Your Hiking Boots; Hopes and Goals; Current Challenges; What's in Your Toolbox?; Create a Treasure Chest, or Just a Pocket; 1 Know Yourself; Know Yourself: Resilience Self-Assessment; How Well Do I Know Myself?; The Wise Words of Martha Graham; Whom Do You Know Who Knows Who They Are?; I Am; Purpose: Why I'm Doing This; Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Part 1; Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Part 2; Pablo Neruda and Purpose; What Motivates Me When I Speak?
Core ValuesPurpose: My Legacy; Crafting a Mission Statement; I Am a Leopard, or a . . .; Aptitudes and Interests; Aptitudes: An Inquiry Experience; Spiritual and Mental Ancestors; The Paths We've Taken; Values: At School; Sociopolitical Identities; Signature Strengths; Make a Values Jar; Astrology, Enneagrams, and More!; Behavioral Change: In the Past; Who Am I? Who Do I Want to Be?; Behavioral Change: Reflections on Past Experiences; Behavioral Change: Identifying Grain Size; Making Plans for Behavioral Change; Aligning Values to Actions; A Letter to Vulnerability.
Artistic Depictions of VulnerabilityDestination Postcard: Self-Knowledge; Chapter Reflection; 2 Understand Emotions; Understand Emotions: Resilience Self-Assessment; KWL: Emotions; Beliefs About Feelings; Examining Coping Mechanisms; Movie Time!; The Cultural Construction of Emotions; The Core Emotions; Naming Emotions; Exploring the Intensity of Emotions; Anger: Meditations and Reflections; Get to Know an Emotion Cycle; A Day of Observing Your Emotions; Relaxing Your Body: The Body Scan; Where Emotions Live in Your Body; Muscle Relaxation; Nonverbal Communication: The Interviews.
The Biography of My EmotionsReflecting on Regrets; Invite Your Emotions to Tea; Lessons About Strong Emotions; Thanking Your Emotions; Thanks, but No Thanks; Exploring Moments of Emotional Intensity; How to Breathe; RAIN: Dealing with Uncomfortable Emotions; Noticing Physical Cues; Assessing Your Stress; Quick Calm: Grounding; Recognizing Cognitive Distortions; A Letter to Anger; Artistic Depictions of Anger; Destination Postcard: Understand Emotions; Chapter Reflection; 3 Tell Empowering Stories; Tell Empowering Stories: Resilience Self-Assessment; Three Good Things; Intention Setting.
Start a New HabitReflect on Thoughts; What Einstein Says About Stories; Exploring the Impact of Cognitive Distortions; Catch That Distorted Thought; Visually Depicting a Life Story; Affirmations; Authoring Your Life; Take Apart That Thought; Try This Thought; Optimism: Choices; Challenge That Thought; Interrupting Distorted Thoughts; Problematic Core Beliefs; Rilke on Love; Challenge That Core Belief; "The Optimism of Uncertainty"; River and Rut Stories; The Life-Defining Moments; "Want To" and "Get To"; The Untold Story; Memory, Mood, and Story-Crafting; "The Danger of a Single Story."
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