TY - BOOK AU - Juarrero,Alicia TI - Context changes everything: how constraints create coherence SN - 9780262545662 AV - B105.C473 J83 2023 U1 - 117 23/eng/20230124 KW - Causation KW - Complexity (Philosophy) KW - Complexit�e (Philosophie) KW - fast KW - Bedingung KW - gnd KW - Epistemologischer Kontextualismus KW - Kausalit�at KW - Koh�arenz KW - Komplexit�at KW - Philosophie KW - PHILOSOPHY / General N1 - Includes bibliographical references and index N2 - "A sequel to a successful 1999 book from an author well known for her cutting edge work on dynamic systems theory"-- UR - https://urn.ub.unibe.ch/urn:ch:slsp:0262545667:ihv:pdf ER -