Reset : how to beat the job loss blues and get ready for your next act / Dwain Schenck ; foreword by Mika Brzezinski, New York Times bestselling author of Knowing Your Value ; with insight and inspiration from: Mika Brezezinski, Donald Trump, Christie Hefner, Mort Zuckerman, Susie Essman, Donny Deutsch, Larry David, Joe Echevarria, Mike Barnicle, Joe Scarborough.
Material type:
- 9780738216959 (pbk.)
- 073821695X (pbk.)
- 650.1 23
- HD5708 .S34 2014
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Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
My story: the emotional phases of unemployment -- Work ethic: unemployment hurts because I love to work -- Who am I? The inner game of dealing with insecurity and uncertainty -- Becoming a networking machine: rules of thumb for effective networking -- Buyers' market: know your value -- Welcome to hell: HR and interviewing -- Lose to win: weight, that is -- Life goes on: the social life of the unemployed -- Reinvention: it's your turn: can you pinpoint opportunity? -- Lost and found: what I've learned.
Drawing from advice and inspiration from respected experts, celebrities, and business leaders, presents a self-help career book that shows how to navigate the world of unemployment without breaking down.
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