Our separate ways : black and white women and the struggle for professional identity / Ella L.J. Edmondson Bell, Stella M. Nkomo.
Material type:
- 1578512778 (alk. paper)
- 9781578512775 (alk. paper)
- African American women executives
- African American women in the professions
- Femmes chefs d'entreprise noires am�ericaines
- Noires am�ericaines dans les professions lib�erales
- Identit�at
- Frau
- Weibliche Schwarze
- F�uhrungskraft
- African American women executives
- African American women in the professions
- Travail des femmes
- Vie professionnelle
- Cadres
- Racisme
- Noirs
- Egalit�e des chances
- Etats-Unis d'Am�erique
- 331.4/089/96073 21
- HD6054.4.U6 B45 2001
- QV 221
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 311-330) and index.
pt. 1. Flashbacks -- 1. Lost childhoods -- 2. Their fathers' daughters -- 3. Comfortable families, uncomfortable times -- 4. Executives in training -- pt. 2. Flashpoints -- 5. Breaking in -- 6. Fitting in -- 7. Barriers to advancement -- 8. Climbing over the barriers -- 9. Making change -- 10. Work isn't everything -- pt. 3. The self and the other -- 11. The racialized self -- 12. Images of other.
"In Our Separate Ways, authors Ella Bell and Stella Nkomo take a look at the surprising differences between black and white women's trials and triumphs on their way up the executive ladder. Based on groundbreaking research that spanned eight years, Our Separate Ways compares and contrasts the experiences of 120 black and white female managers in the American business arena. In-depth histories bring to life the women's powerful and often difficult journeys from childhood to professional success, highlighting the roles that gender, race, and class played in their development."--BOOK JACKET.
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