The essentials of business etiquette : how to greet, eat, and tweet your way to success / Barbara Pachter with Denise Cowie.
Material type:
- 9780071811262 (alk. paper)
- 0071811265 (alk. paper)
- 395.5/2 23
- HF5389 .P27 2013
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Includes index.
Greet : Establishing rapport ; Maintaining a professional image -- Eat -- Tweet -- Career.
I. Greet. 1. Establishing rapport. What's in your name? A lot! -- The name game: And you are...? -- Impressive introductions -- I'd like you to -- Sorry, Mom: Do talk to strangers -- Kissing colleagues: Is it ever okay? -- The thumb joint connects to the ...thumb joint -- But...I have more questions about the handshake -- Business cards in a social-media world -- Small talk, big talk, and everything in between -- Go ahead- meet new people -- Opening the air and elsewhere -- Help! I'm in a conversation and I can't get out! -- Dodging too-personal conversations -- Political discussions to avoid to work -- Thank you...No, thank you -- Thank you notes do matter -- Refined regifting rules...really! -- Love me not! Office romance restrictions -- Starbucks is my office! Working remotely -- Allow me...No, allow me: "Helping etiquette" guidelines -- 2. Maintaining a professional image. Body language: What your posture projects -- If crossing your legs turns women into ladies, what does it do to Matt Laurer? -- Your hands are talking, but what are they saying? -- Face-off: don't discount your facial expression -- Speak up! We can't hear you -- The do-not-say list -- Why I think you should avoid "I think" -- Is your diction affecting your professional image? -- I'm sorry, I can't apologize -- Do you talk too much? Let me count the ways! -- Be direct! You're more likely to get what you want -- What to do if you are interrupted -- Are you really going to wear that? -- Just the FACS(TM), Madam: business clothing essentials -- Accessories are also part of your work look -- More questions and answers about business dress -- How to dress for a promotion -- Button that skirt and cover that thigh -- Chipped green nail polish and other grooming mistakes -- What do 33 miners and your shoes have in common? -- Another clothing milestone: Have panty hose disappeared from the workplace? -- II. Eat. Place settings: the secret language of dining -- So many errors, so little time to make them -- Don't kill your career with your fork -- Avoiding the seven deadly sins of dining -- Be my guest: dinner in three acts -- I'm not eating that! business meals and dietary concerns -- Treat the wait staff with respect -- Solving the invitation dilemma: Kindergarten rules -- The power of going to lunch -- Wine tales: Don't wave your hand over the glass -- But you had lobster, and I only had chicken... -- Table for one? Yes, you can! -- Are there any manners for a food fight? -- Lots of dining shortage of answers -- Champagne, your career, and the holiday party -- I'm too embarrassed to go alone -- Etiquette niceties when visiting others -- III. Tweet. Man, that's rude! Five don'ts for all phones -- Man, that's really rude!: tips for cell phones users only -- Have a normal ring, please! -- Don't ruin Ur career: texting guidelines -- Is anyone listening to voice mail? -- The etiquette of talking to your phone -- Are Facebook...Twitter...any social media necessary? -- Costly mistakes with Tweets, Posts, and requests -- The big three: Where do you want to be? -- Has social media taken over your professional life? -- A blog about blogs -- Social-media guidelines for photographs -- Almost as good as the real thing: Skype -- Email etiquette 1: Avoid saying or doing the wrong thing -- Email etiquette 2: Still puzzling after all these years -- Are you putting yourself down as your write? -- Three tips for writing email in today's casual workplace -- Doing the write thing: always look for one -- Writing for an international audience? Vive La difference! -- IV. Career. The workers' seven deadly sins can kill your career -- How open are you to feedback? -- Don't put yourself down: accept complements -- Toot your own horn -- The importance of role models, mentors, and networks -- Become a mentor: It's a two-way street! -- Internship tips for my son...and others -- Moving on? The etiquette for leaving a job -- Just do it! Job-hunting tips -- Are you making rookie job-hunting mistakes? -- I got the interview: now what? -- Dressing for an interview: Do you look the part? -- Talking your way to success: presentation tips -- Three things not to say in a presentation -- Dread presentations? Let's change that! -- Difficult audience? Try these suggestions -- Help! Someone is sleeping during my talk! -- Don't present like, you know, um, a young person -- It may be funny, but it's not assertive -- Assert yourself: learn to speak up at meetings -- Ending the never-ending discussion -- Smart tips when traveling for business -- I accept your quirks because you accept mine.
This book is a definitive guide to professional behavior whether you are eating lunch with a client, Skyping with your boss, or meeting a business partner for the first time. It is all about how you present yourself. The book contains 101 critical tips for improving behavior in any business situation, all delivered in a quick, no-nonsense format. -- From back cover.
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