50 creative training closers /

Pike, Robert W.

50 creative training closers / Fifty creative training closers collected and edited by Bob Pike and Lynn Solem. - San Francisco, Calif. : Minneapolis, Minn. : Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer ; Creative Training Techniques, c1997. - xiv, 116 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Introduction -- A to Z Review -- Aspirin / Seltzer -- Barrier Ballons I -- Barrier Balloons II -- Barrier Balloons III -- Breaking Barriers I -- Breaking Barriers II -- Candy Bar Paragraphs I -- Candy Bar Paragraphs II -- Colored Dots -- Consulting Envelopes -- Create a Quiz -- Crossword Puzzle -- Crossword Puzzle Race -- CTT Quilt -- Envelopes on the Wall -- Flying Missiles -- Foam Toys -- Gallery Walk -- Geometric Close -- Graduation -- Junk Food Reminder -- Keynote Review -- Laminated Question Cards -- Meis Crumpled Paper -- Multiple Scribes -- Name Tag Close -- Object Lesson -- Partial Mind Map -- Pat on the Back -- Pike's Pop-In's -- Pike's Power Tiles -- Pomp, Circumstance, and Clump -- Reflection Transparencies -- Repetition -- ROI -- Role Plays -- Sayings -- Secret Support -- See One, Do One, Teach One -- Sixty-Second Commercial -- Skills / Knowledge Grid -- Stump the Participants -- TABB Close -- 30 / 60 / 90-Mailback -- 3...2...1 -- Top Ten Reasons to Use This Information -- Transfer Vehicle -- Transparency Teams Present... -- Triad Support -- Triad vs. Triad: Hangman -- Window Pane -- Resources.

They'll forget you as soon as they walk out the door...unless you make your training memorable. This essential resource is your way to make your mark. Fifty ways to close your training sessions and presentations so they won't forget you - or your training. People forget your training faster than you think. One year after a training event, participants retain and use only 15% of what they learned! Stop this brain drain by ending with a bang! This invaluable book is packed with practical closers. Each activity lists the necessary time and equipment, a suggested group size, and an intended purpose, so you can choose one that's just right for your needs. Solem and Pike show you all the essentials, and preparation is quick and easy.

0787939714 9780787939717

HF5549.5.T7 P458 1997

Employees--Training of.
Group games.
Employees--Training of.
Group games.

HF5549.5.T7 / P458 1997
