Moving forward : policies, planning, and promoting access of Hispanic college students / edited by Alfredo G. de los Santos Jr., Laura I. Rend�on, Gary Francisco Keller, Alberto Acereda, Estela Mara Bensimon, Richard J. Tannenbaum.
Material type:
- 9781939743251
- 1939743257
- 9781939743268
- 1939743265
- 371.829/68073 23
- LC2670.6 .M68 2018
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A history and advocacy of federal policy: improving access and success for Latina/o college students / Cristobal Rodriguez, Jose Luis Santos, and Patrick L. Valdez -- An engaged approach to public scholarship: shaping the policy agenda through research evidence / David R. Garcia -- Helping or hindering? state policies and Latino college completion / Deborah A. Santiago and Emily Calderon Galdeano -- California's student equity plan policy: an unexploited opportunity among Hispanic-serving community colleges / Eric R. Felix, Adrian Trinidad, Cheryl D. Ching, and Estela Mara Bensimon -- Neoliberalism and the context of public higher education for Latinos / Rubin O. Martinez -- The role of interest convergence in California's education: community colleges, Latinas/os and the state's future / Tanya J. Gaxiola Serrano and Daniel Solorzano -- Latino students in higher education: identifying critical issues and new possibilities at a multiethnic teaching institution / Belinda I. Reyes and Umadevi Senguttuvan -- Recognizing counter-stories of first generation Latina/o graduate students: advancing the Latina/o graduate college choice process / Fernando Valle and Cristobal Salinas, Jr -- Schooling space: creating spatial justice in Carolina del Norte / Juan F. Carrillo -- Immigrant and native Hispanic students and post-high school pathways / Leticia Oseguera and Wil Del Pilar -- Latina/os and U.S. community colleges: a gateway to success / Victor B. Suenz and DeAna McCusky -- Latino college students: a trajectory in the right direction after years of despondency / Amaury Nora and Vincent Carales -- Years after prop 209: are Latino/a students equitably represented at the University of California? / Maria Estela Zirate, Chenoa S. Woods, and Kelly M. Ward -- "The only racism left is that against white people": the complex realities of the campus racial climate for Latina/o students / Nolan L. Cabrera.
"Equitable access to quality education is key to the advancement of Hispanic communities because education serves as a gateway or a barrier to social mobility, economic prosperity, and civic engagement. This volume explores key forces in the academic lives of Hispanic students, points out problems, and offers solutions ranging from restructuring federal and state policy to more effectively addressing racial and ethnic issues"--
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